Our Product

The main purpose of our product, Fever Control System, is to prevent Febrile Convulsion (FC) while the child and parents are sleeping. Febrile Convulsion is the sudden increase(in about 30 minutes) in patient's fever and it's probability is very high for children whose age is less than 6. The probability of the repetition of the illness high and it can cause very serious health problems.

Our product, is formed with the synchronized combination of two different technologies: infrared technology and wireless technology. Our product is a system which measures the child's fever continuously and informs the parents if any unusual situation occurs with the chlid's fever. The procedure of the system is as follows:

  • The belt which carries the infrared thermometer, will be put on the child.
  • The thermometer will measure the child's fever periodically. It is recommended that the adjustment of the periods should be done by doctors. If an increase in the fever is observed, then the system will warn parents with the speakers in parent's room. The communication between the infrared thermometer belt and the speakers will be established by wireless technology.

Additional Features: Our product records the fever values, can measure the without waiting for the period and the portable reciever provides mobility to the parents as it can be used in any room of the house. The product will call the hospital if the fever reaches a critical value defined by the parents, or ideally by the doctors.

Benefits of Our Product

  • The main benefit of the system is informing the parents when the child's fever increase. There will be no need to stay awake all night.
  • Since the values are recorded by the system, the doctor can see the values when needed.
  • Measuring fever is easy since an infrared thermometer is used in the system.
  • Since a portable receiver will be used, the parents will be informed even in the daytime anywhere in the house.
  • The user will be able to set the default critical temperature value with the advice of the doctor.
  • There will be a different notifying system in case of having Febrile Convulsion. In the case of FC, the parents will be informed with a different type of alarm and they will know that their child is having FC.
  • When the fever value reaches above a specific value (will be determined by the doctor) the system will call the hospital immediately.
  • Adults can also use this system. When an adult is ill, he/she can use the system. For example, when the person is sleeping the system measures fever and records them, then doctor can see the fever values and their times.