Technical Details

What is Lighting Component(LC)?
Lighting components can be regarded as the speaker and the implementer of our system. They receive the external data from environment and send it to Master LC. Then they receive the feedback from Master LC and implement it via its wireless module in it. LC has been produced as a combination and a co-operation of various types of microcontrollers and electronic circuits. They have designed such that they are comprised of: Arduino Nano, Arduino Wifi Module, Light Sensor, Power Converter and a Dimmer Circuit. The following figure has been given to provide further information.
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What is “Master Lighting Component”?

Metaphorically, Master LC is the brain of our system. It has the mission of ruling all the other lighting components and emitting light just like other ones. Hence, it has been named as Master Lighting Component” by having a key role in the system. Master LC receives all the data from lighting components and it interprets and sends a feedback for these inputs. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal Master LC has been desgined such that it comprises Arduino Nano, an Arduino Wifi Module, Light Sensor, Dimmer Circuit, Power Converter and a switch to set the master switch mode. The following figure has been given in order to provide further information.

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How does the system communicate within itself?

Both Master LC and the LCs are powered by Arduino Nano microcontrollers and they are connected via Wifi. The android app to Master LC communication however is implemented using TCP/IP protocol through the internet connection. Also the following chart is provided in order to express layout of the network of Aviner SOL.



We hope that this helps!

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